Artikel von English
Vilnius – the wolf in the baroque labyrinth (Cornelius Hell)
Departure form Vienna: Stress. We have to do a self-check in. Too many people travel for the Easter holidays.
The flight with the prop airliner “Carinthia” by Tyrolean is calm and we have a great view of the Baltic landscape, partially frozen winding rivers and brown grass.
Then we feel that Baltic ground under our feet. [Read more →]
April 6, 2009 Keine Kommentare
Few return form war.
Michael Lehofer writes the following text in reference to Aurelia Meinhart’s project.
Few return from war. Some die, others are damned to always think, talk and dream of it. Some of the survivors remain silent. They are silent and remain forever concealed from themselves and from others. [Read more →]
April 3, 2009 Keine Kommentare
Reaching Suomi
By Aurelia Meinhart
Project description: The way of leaving everything familiar behind.
The starting point for my thoughts were the photos of my father, which he took during the war. His path took him to the north. During the Second World War he served in the 3rd mountain infantry division in Norway, Finland and in the area around Leningrad, where he captured impressions with his camera. [Read more →]
April 2, 2009 Keine Kommentare
Apodemic – the art and science of travelling
By Luise Kloos
The “Apodemic” as art and science of the traveler developed in the beginning of the modern age and the big expeditions.
In that epoch, the renaissance, thought and research began to release themselves from the bondage of the medieval church. The intellectual foundation for a new worldview was created. A desire to research, to discover and to comprehend was born and along with it a wanderlust. This was the beginning of the age of the big expeditions. [Read more →]
April 2, 2009 Keine Kommentare
By Heribert Michl
Aura flows through the city of Turku in southern Finland as a river and mythical lifeline.
In the context of the European art project “cultural capital Turku 2011” I’m trying to detect traces of Finnish Mythology and its synapses in the network of European cultures and its mythological roots. I will condense them and give them artistic form. [Read more →]
April 1, 2009 Keine Kommentare
Traveling to Turku: April 2009
by Ingeborg Pock
„Lichtwechsel“- “The Change of Light”:
(German for the plural of the planet Earth, definition of various types of soils, verb/American : to ground).
To set out for a journey also means to start out , to take along , to pack..
Taking along necessary items, personal things…items for an art project.
To set out for a journey is to experience encounters in foreign settings, to find one´s own identity reflected and growing in a new context. [Read more →]
April 1, 2009 Keine Kommentare
LICHTWECHSEL „Shadows of darkness”
By Erika Lojen
Phase 1: travel project
5 x Gruppe 77
Luise Kloos
Erika Lojen
Aurelia Meinhart
Heribert Michl
Ingeborg Pock
Time: 4.04.2009 – 17.04.2009
Each one of us carries her own views on darkness and light on this journey. [Read more →]
März 28, 2009 Keine Kommentare