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Return to Austria

Early morning, 18th April 2009

The wakeup call from the concierge comes at 4:45 am local time. Aurelia has an exciting conversation in Finnish with the taxi driver. While we wait at the airport Aurelia tells us about the last part of the Finnish crime novel by Arto Paasilinna she’s been reading. It gets light very early. We take the early flight to Copenhagen. The strong north-wind is ice cold and blows heavy clouds across the sky. When the sun rises it gives shining borders to the islands of the archipelago. Every island has a white line around it – maybe it is ice?

On Monday we will meet the Gruppe 77 and talk about our journey. We will exchange our last photos and discuss the next steps for our work.

In the meantime each one of us will collect and sort our impressions and insights and continue working on our individual projects.

Luise will travel to Turku again in June to continue talks with the responsible people for art and culture.

Along with our experiences during the journey, we will miss the daily reflections and discussions.

Photos: Last travel day

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